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Living Wage Policy

Policy statement

TDI recognises that recompense for work should allow those working to a decent standard of living without dependence on outside subsidies.


Principles underlying this policy

A living wage is one which allows individuals to meet their everyday needs to a basic but decent standard. ‘Everyday needs’ means essentials such as food, housing and utilities, with a margin for unforeseen events such as the replacement of white goods. It is based on living costs. The living wage is distinct from the National Minimum Wage, which is based on median national income, and as such allows individuals to live without other subsidies such as those provided by the Government or charities.

TDI comes into contact with those working for a wage directly through employment and sub-contracting and indirectly through procurement and collaboration.


Aims, objectives and scope of this policy

TDI will pay employees and subcontractors a living wage, based on the local cost of living for the employee or subcontractor.

TDI will pay for expenses incurred when doing work for TDI.

TDI will be transparent about its wage-setting policies. It will encourage employees to raise concerns about their wages and expenses and will handle those concerns in an open and non-discriminatory way.

TDI will encourage other organisations it works with to pay their employees a living wage, and will consider whether suppliers pay a living wage when procuring goods and services.

The Chief Executive of TDI has responsibility for ensuring that a living wage is paid to direct employees. Anyone within the organisation who is managing a sub-contractor has responsibility for ensuring that sub-contractors are paid a living wage. Anyone within the organisation involved in procurement has a responsibility to consider the living wage as an element in their decision-making.



The living wage benchmark used will be that of the Living Wage Foundation,

When reviewing wages and salaries, the Chief Executive or person managing a sub-contractor will consider the living wage to be the floor an individual will be paid.

Employees and subcontractors will be encouraged to be aware of the current level of the living wage and raise concerns with the Chief Executive or person managing them. When a concern is raised, it should be investigated. Where the concern is justified the wage, salary or sub-contractor’s fee will be adjusted to meet the living wage.

When procuring, those within TDI will look for evidence that a potential supplier is paying the living wage, and consider payment of the living wage alongside other considerations when choosing a supplier.

 TDI will not seek formal accreditation as a 'Living Wage Organisation'.


Date of revision of this policy

December 2021. This policy is in effect, and should be reviewed within 3 years.